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Positive Seidel Test
Dr. Orwa Nasser demonstrates a classic, positive Seidel test in an eye with keratoconus. The exam reveals a flush of dark blue fluid exiting the anterior chamber with each eye blink through a perforation at the corneal apex, an area of extreme corneal thinning and hydrop scarring, which can also be seen on anterior segment OCT.

Genetic eye diseases
The Global Eye Genetics Consortium (GEGC) publishes this article about Dr. Orwa Nasser.

International Award
Dr. Orwa Nasser received the International Award in Ophthalmology from the American Academy of Ophthalmology during the 2022 Annual Conference.

Keratoconus (keratoconus): the warning signs and treatments
Keratoconus is a common eye disease in Israel compared to the rest of the world, and due to its tendency to appear in the teenage years and the associated risk of vision loss, it is important to diagnose and treat it as soon as possible. What signs would raise suspicion and what is the treatment for each of the stages of the disease? The answers are in the article

Nystagmus: Is it possible to perform a laser vision correction to remove glasses in patients with nystagmus?
What is nystagmus, why will people with this phenomenon often need glasses and is it possible to perform surgery to remove glasses among the patients? Dr. Orwa Nasser, specialist eye doctor and surgeon, specialist in corneal diseases, cataracts, laser surgery to remove glasses and nystagmus, with the information you should know

Nystagmus: the phenomenon that causes the eyes to move involuntarily
One in a thousand people suffer from nystagmus - a phenomenon that causes the eyes to move involuntarily. These people find it difficult to see well and their achievements in life are also affected by the matter. The good news: today there are several solutions that make it possible to significantly reduce the problem

The consequences of the lockdown: this is how you will save the children's eyes from the damage of the screens
The prolonged lockdown, the many hours on Zoom and the growing boredom make children sit for many hours in front of the screen. The problem: the act of watching can cause various problems, especially damage to the eyes. The good news: There is something to be done to minimize the damage.